The People and The Whale,  2008

    `Människorna och valen´

    A whale had floated ashore on a beach and people went to see it. It was the weekend in the fall and people had brought their blankets and picnic baskets. You could not exactly say what it was but there was a special kind of atmosphere and expectation. Besides, it was fun that something was going on at all.

    DURATION 00:05:47  
    LANGUAGE Swedish
    DIRECTOR Peter Larsson
    WRITER Isak Sundström, Peter Larsson
    PRODUCER Peter Larsson
    CINEMATOGRAPHY Peter Larsson
    EDITING Peter Larsson
    ANIMATION Peter Larsson, Rasmus R Streith
    SOUND Isak Sundström


    Filmform – The Art Film & Video Archive

    Selection of Festival Screenings

    Göteborg International Film Festival (SE)
    Uppsala International Short Film Festival (SE)
    Flatpack Festival, Birmingham (UK)
    Moving, Clarion Hotel Film Festival (SE)
    Eksjö International Animation Festival (SE)


    Grand prize for best film at Moving, Clarion Hotel Film Festival